The task schedule display on the Mac is misaligned
Brandon Thio
HIHi: Thanks for reporting this visual bug, that is indeed strange behaviour. Could you try different dates & times, is it consistently misaligned?
Brandon ThioYes, when I set the today task, it was misaligned when selecting the display range of 1, 3, 5, and 7 above, but it did show November 12th when selecting the month view or list view.I think it may be that the top date display window is set to fixed
I tried to update the system to 15.1 and found that it was still misaligned.
At this point I looked for other ways to see if I could get it back to normal, I tried to display it in full screen, but I found a new problem. It doesn't show in full screen, and when I show it in full screen, it automatically switches to another window view
Brandon Thio
HIHi: Thank you for pointing out the full-screen issue. Could you try updating Yata on the App Store, and let me know if it is resolved for you.
As for the misalignment, I'm having a hard time imagining what is causing it to go wrong. It would be very helpful if you could send a screen recording to illustrate the issue. Feel free to email if you rather not publish it here.
Brandon Thio
Sorry, I haven't looked at the email message for a few days, I tried to update it today, and found that the fullscreen problem has been solved, but the misalignment problem still exists.I've sent the recording to your email address, please check if you've received it.